I watched Irreversible yesterday, a French movie starring Monica Belucci (yes I do know she's italian kthnx) and Vincent Cassel. It was really good, but oh God, how did I cringe. It's told backwards, and it starts with the camera going round and round in circles, and it gets quite dizzy. Then I kinda wanted to be sick with a really, really violent scene. Then I kinda wanted to be sick again with the very-well-done, terrifiynlgy-chilling 15 minute-long rape scene. And then the ending (beginning, really) it's so hopeful that it just makes you shiver. Juanjo, a friend from school lent it to me in exchange of QaF's first season (which he loved!) and I was telling him today just how much it had disturbed me. XD So, quite a good movie, but not one for the faint of heart.
Now, a rec!
Ten Fantasies Rose Tyler Lost About Love and One She Found by
misscam (Ten/Rose) And its companion,
Ten Lessons the Doctor Learned From Sex and One He Didn't. They're just so beautiful and well done that it hurts. Wonderful characterisation, as well.
*sigh* I really wanna try and write Doctor Who fic. As in REALLY. But I still have to finish you wonderful guys drabbles. But anyway, give me a prompt, and I'll see if I can get something out of it. (Er, so sorry if you guys won't understand any of it if I do write it, but see? that's you should all GO AND WATCH DOCTOR WHO, LIKE, NOW.)
Now, this is an Alphonse Mucha wallpaper I promised bellle_fille so we could be wallpaper buddies! (yes, this is my current wallpaper XD) Please ignore the ugly watermark ;)
The Mexico picspam is just about to be started! I've already uploaded every picture. :)