So, I'll be in Chicago on holiday for the last week of June! Is there anything I just HAVE to see while I'm there? Or any food I absolutely have to try? I'm SUPPOSED to be on a diet, but what the hell, I'll have pizza anyway! :D
I was half convinced I was gonna have to quit my job to go because technically I still don't qualify for holiday time, but they said I could take the days off, yay! So I'll still be employed when I get back, haha.
Anyway, was Legend of Korra awesome today or WHAT?? To be fair though, every single episode has been made of huge amounts of win and love and amazingness. ♥ My love for Team Avatar (!!!) was already there, but every week I love Lin and Tenzin more. And now I ship them. SIGH. Ah well.
Also in DW!