Haters to the left! And I shall just ride into the sunset with all the Watsons

Feb 27, 2012 22:05

So, Lucy Liu as Watson! Single-handedly making me want to watch this show, yesss.

Would I prefer if Holmes was also a lady? Yes. (would I haved loved it if said lady was Indira Varma? alsfjalsdjf sdf yes) Would I prefer if Lucy Liu was Holmes and the other dude from Trainspotting was Watson? Yes, mostly because Watson will always be Holmes' minder and it'll be... er, awkward to see Holmes demanding tea and endless attention from a lady and having him sabotage all of her relationships so she never leaves him etc. etc.

But, Lucy Liu! LADY WATSON, HELL YEAH. And I'm a step away from starting frothing at the mouth at the way half of tumblr seems ENRAGED that they would have a woman sully the good doctor's name and a lot of other crap like that. Fuck's sake, fandom, stop it with the fail.

Even if they do get together anyway, that's canon Holmes/Watson!! Is it Holmes/Watson made non-controversial for middle US? Yeah, but canon Holmes/Watson! Just for how many years have fangirls (and boys) waited for that? And anyway, it's stupidly hypocritical for the same people that demand the buttsecks in Sherlock to go around and talk about the sancticty of their friendship and how it would debase their relationship if they so much as touched each other. Double standars much?

Also in DW! http://nekare.dreamwidth.org/574902.html.

holmes, sherlock

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