The tension, it will kill me.

Feb 03, 2012 19:07

Frustrating things: Reading a long fic in which after SEVENTY-EIGHT chapters there's only one sleepy kiss that everyone's ignoring and not even having the decency to have angst about. Then reading a soulbonding fic in which after 13 long chapters of drawn out UST, it politely fades to black as soon as Holmes and Watson get together.

If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go read some porn now.*

*And, you know, if you wanna rec me said porn, I'd be forever thankful.

In other news, I just came back from the A&E after getting a horrible cold for the THIRD TIME in a month. I got tested for Swine Flu since a couple other people have died from it this winter, and since it was negative I just got some stronger antibiotics. Damn, but am I ready to be fully healthy again.

Also in DW!

sherlock, adventures in fic

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