alien brainssss!

May 20, 2011 00:42

I had a dream yesterday, that was practically an episode of Doctor Who WITH ZOMBIES.

I mean. My head, wtf. Anyway it was cool! There was lots of running and biting and I was Rory for a bit and I got to stab zombies with a broken broomstick! While taking refuge in a tiny empty wooden room, at that. Amy was dead but not really? And then Eleven was in a bathtub and took off his breasts (??) but he was still PREGNANT (????) So I went 'AH, it's actually Amy!' but no, it was actually DONNA (looking hot, Donna, by the way) and for some reason she had FAKE EYES and was holding her (wooden) real ones in her hands as she explained very levelly to the zombies how she'd outsmarted them all, while standing next to a nightmare-dentist chair. The zombies had been sort of in a prison for a long time and we silly companions had released them somehow?

I've not a clue but it was cool. Everyone and their mothers scrolls through dream posts, but I want to leave it here for the record, lol.

doctor who, zombies

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