With every new footage I see of Watchmen, the feeling that it will be so. fucking. awesome only grows. asldkjf I so can't wait for it. :333
chrryblssmninja linked at how the live-action Cowboy Bebop film is still going. With Keanu Reeves starring as Spike.
Excuse me while I throw up a little in my mouth.
No, seriously. I usually don't mind Keanu Reeves, but this is Cowboy Bebop we're talking about, easily the best anime series ever done, and to have it TARNISHED like this - well, it's just wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. ;_____; If you haven't seen it yet - let me tell you, you're seriously missing out. This is jazz in space, this is noir sci-fi, this is an ex-criminal, an ex-cop, an ex-gambler, an ex-hacker and a genious dog becoming bounty-hunters, and dealing with ghosts of their past. This series is just perfect. ♥
The series credits, actually, will tell you all about how awesome it is. YES.
And now I feel like doing a massive re-watch. SIGH. Of CB and Samurai Champloo, which is just as awesome, and by the same people, but only less serious and more fun. Just like CB is jazz in space, this is hip-hop in Samurai-ruled Tokugawa Era Japan.