I spent most of my day driving my brother around. My life, it is so glamorous.
interview by MGMT made my day. Man, but I like those guys SO MUCH - they're all weird and simple and like, SO OUT OF IT, haha.
I saw My Little Bride yesterday, which is a cute Korean movie about a high schooler that gets somewhat tricked by her grandfather into marrying his best friend's grandson. HIJINKS ENSUE. Thing is, it's like Goong redux, minus the political intrigue and the hot brooding asshole-y princes. GOD, I MISS GOONG. SO MUCH. Plus, the main actresses look really alike and the gal that played Chae-Kyung's weird heart-something holding also appears in here. HUH. It was still really cute, though, it made me laugh and squee a bit and it was perfect for my mood. So it's nothing extraordinary, but quite nice.
Other than that, WOOT, Iron Man fic is rea-dy (er, as soon as I think of a title, that is) for posting and I'm soooort of starting apocalyptical Booth/Brennan. YAY BONES. I just have to get this out of my mind, and then, then I'll be able to start on my
apocalyptothon, seeing that I've finally figured out how to work that specific crossover. Good good.