"I feel like a kid in her dad's clothes"

May 03, 2008 18:12

Oh man. OH MAN. Say hi to my newest favorite S4 episode! :D :D

Doctor Who 4x05 - The Poison Sky: MY GLEE, IT CANNOT BE CONTAINED.

It just. It was so fantastic, yes, the creepy feeling of OH GOD APOCALYPSE - that hadn't been so creepy since the last minutes of Sound of the Drums, and it was so well done and al;sjf. WHO FOR THE WIN. And the whole thing about burning the sky to save it and those were good special effects, yo, and BRIGADIER SIR ALASTAIR ASLDKFJALSDJ OMG AWESOME and 'ARE YOU MY MOMMY' for the win and UNEXPECTED ROSE WAS UNEXPECTED AND WHAT'S MORE, DONE RIGHT. Luke and his speach of creepiness and his students deserting him and 'doing something clever' and OH NO RUSS WAS AWESOME WHYYYY and. And everything. It was all Good. And Smart. OH SHOW. PROMISE ME YOU'LL STAY BEING GOOD.

And then there was the matter of Donna being incredible and resourceful even when she was scared out of her mind and Martha being incredibly MARTHA (AKA AWESOME) just moments away from waking up (the Doctor holding her, telling her it'll be all right and she's all like SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD RIGHT HERE), and wearing the Doctor's coat and bonding with her dying clone. Just. Oh, Martha.

And the Doctor was so, so GOOD, you know? I mean, he could shut up about guns a bit because HELLO HOW MANY GENOCIDES HAVE YOU CAUSED BY NOW? But at the same time it's so fitting, the way he's in denial about it and HE HAD TO GIVE THE SONTARANS A CHOICE. That is so him, and that is why I love him so much. ♥ And of course he knew about clone!Martha right away. of course. And the way he kept on reminding Donna how brilliant she is while she was on the phone with him. OH, DOCTOR. I really really like this new Team TARDIS. Martha with her chin on the Doctor's arm and Donna holding his other arm right after smacking him. SO GOOD. ♥ ♥

For shame, I have not seen SPN yet, but I guess I was just in much more of a WACKY ALIENS kind of mood, I guess.

martha for the win, doctor who

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