My internet SUCKS and it is preventing me from getting my SPN fix. Two tries already, argh. SO, meanwhile:
I've mainly been drawing for school as of lately, but yesterday I realized just how many little (and not so little) sketches I'd accumulated. So, here they are!
Okay, so not a sketch. We spent the first month and a half in caricature class drawing each other's faces - we would all step in front of the class in turns and we'd get about a minute/30 seconds to draw. We started semi-realist and finished in complete disfiguration.
This one's my favorite, it's just so pretty, hee. (The teacher, of course, found it, 'not funny enough'. Bah.)
And this one looks like that dude from Kim Possible, LOL, or maybe a MONKEY. XDDD
Again, all sketches for my Caricature class. We're doing human body this part of the semester, and again, we only get two minutes at most for the entire sketch. Also, my teacher won't let us use pencil. THE GRAFITTE FASCIST. It's all pen, so we can't erase. ;___;
I bitch a lot, but I've actually learned a lot this semester, so that's fine.
And now a more deformed way of drawing bodies. The same girls, lol, because I screwed up all the boys' drawings big time XD
And now for some older doodles. I drew this on the back of a shitty restaurant menu, lol, and had to cut out bits that had grease all over XD For some reason, though, I still love it to bits.
Three or four months old. I screwed it up when I re-drew it all proper, boo.
AHAHAH I DON'T KNOW. Indie tribute? XD
A semester old.
Drawn in the haze of final Packaging projects in last semester's Design III class.
A couple of months old. My Elements of Drawing teacher said 'draw anything you can.' I drew this.
*points up* I also drew this, once I got bored. haha.
Drew this on, mmm, Wednesday? While I was mourning my ~deceased~ mechanical pencil and was trying out the new one.
I get very bored in my Elements of Drawing class. We mostly draw clay pots. And benches. And whatever's conveniently close. I've really, really improved in my shading with pencils, but it's still BORING. So I doodle. The first two are cute and the third one - you get brownie points if you do get who's that supposed to be. SHITTY ALIKENESS, LULZY HAIR, but I still like it. *shrug*
About... 8 months old? A cousin asked me to help him draw a 'cover' for his high school Literature class and something more drippy and, you know, book-related came out, but it had this particularly detail in the middle of it, and I just had to drew it all. I was going to color it with markers, but I kept getting distracted. Now, I really wish I could do something about those hands, yikes. o_O
UNEXPECTED DOCTOR IS UNEXPECTED. Lol. Drew this in last semester's History of Mexican Graphic class.
And to finish it off, my current favorite. The elements of drawing class I mentioned? I finally got tired of stupid fucking clay pots and asked the teacher if he could teach me some human anatomy or SOMETHING, dunno, ANYTHING other than stupid clay pots. He went a bit '--wha?', being the lazy asshole that he is, but he went and gave me pretty much a personal class while the rest of the class were drawing their own erasers, lol.
Anyway, it was quite educational, and this is what came out of it. I used a photo reference, but I was mostly interested in getting proportions right. SO YES. ME LIKES.