Today was an incredibly frustrating day at school, made worst by the horrible heat and the fact that stupid little me decided to wear a long-sleeved shirt. I came back home moody and pissed at everything and pretty much annoyed at the world in general.
So I saw the two parter Season 3 finale of Buffy to cheer myself up. And it worked! Granted, now I have to start with homework, but I really needed a break. Plus, there's no way to be pissed with the shiny and Wesley as a stuck up ass, lol.
Weirdly enough, I've been reached by two (two!) people that want to translate my
latest fic into Chinese. That is... both incredibly weird and incredibly flattering, lol. I can't wait to see how it looks, hee!
I also wrote a bit, yay. The Bones fic is nearly finished, and then I'll have to go and look up all those technical terms I've been forgoing so far, arrrgh. (aka a bazillion names for tiny tiny bones.)