As always, it was Twilight that brought all of today's lulz. HEEE.
Jacob was casted and man, is that lousy casting. BUT WHATEVER. That movie will seriously make me so happy. I WILL LAUGH AND LAUGH AND LAUGH AND I'LL PROBABLY DIE FROM LAUGHING SO MUCH BUT WHO CARES. YAAAY. Can't wait for this abominance. :)
And THEN I found out there was a
tw_secret. OH, THE LULZ. I already love
fandomsecrets for the sheer idiocity and not-fun-on-purpose stuff posted there, but this? This is even BETTER.
Other than that my day was okay but nothing big, meh. I still feel the itch to write, dunno why. I'll see what I can do tomorrow.
I am an episode behind on Torchwood and two on Ashes to Ashes. Um. Oops? I blame the lack of Martha.
Also! There was
original fic yesterday, of the artsy fartsy persuassion. Which includes weird tattoos and pretentious people, lol.