Really, the series format works for it better just because of the pacing - the entire book is covered in the pilot episode, and in no way it feels like it looses substance. Maybe because it doesn't have that much substance, lol, but oh well.
I do like the series better. Mostly because the characters are just so incredibly unlikeable in the book. Serena is an unredeemable party girl with no aspirations, Blair is a pathetic bulimic mean girl instead of the bitch queen that doesn't let anyone step over her of the series. Chuck is a sleaze bag instead of a psycho bastard, and Dan is a sad poser that can't form a complete sentence while in the presence of Serena. Nate might be the only one that is more intersting in the books, mostly because he's stoned all the fucking time and cares about nothing, instead of the mopey, boring loser he's in the series. Also, I find Chase Crawford to be sort of creepy looking, so.
I've only seen one episode with Vanessa, but I already like her more than the rest of the cast, and it was the same in the book - she's the only character that actually resembles a human being - and a cool one, at that.
Also, I sort of like Rufus/Lily in a really bitchy, weird way, lol.
Other than that, I can't decide whether I love or hate Jenny. I mean, she's a mindless popularity seeker most of the time, but then she'll suddenly get smart and get bitchy and totally rock the hell out of the place. SO. I'm undecided. So, what do you think, guys? I'm only up to ep. 6 though, so please no spoilers.
Ino ther tv news, I'm determined to finally finish watching Dexter, and now I'm up to 1x06 and loving every minute of it. This is another case of a series that is actually much better than the book - I read the second one, and maybe it just doesn't translate well (I couldn't find it in English), but for the most part I found it okay but nothing brilliant, while every episode of the series is just amazing. Also, have I ever said how much I love this show's title sequence? I love how it's basically this dude getting ready for work and yet all of the close-ups and eerie music and the slow-mo make it fucking creepy, hee. ♥
In an unrelated note, I was switching channels the other day and settled for a bit in Sweet Addiction, with the main guest star being Aleks Syntek. I don't like the dude's music all that much (except for his latest song, which shocks even me, trust me), but I just lol'd a lot because he was introducing the latest video and said something like: 'and the next band is, in my opinion, the best expression of electronica music nowadays in Mexico' and I though 'oh, okay,
Kinky, right? Obviously,' and then he went and said: 'yeah, I'm talking about Belanova. LOL LOL WHAT THE HELL. Belanova was good, once upon a time, but they completely sold out with their second album and now all they play is cutesy, bubblegum pop. LOL.
Also, OMG BUT MY WISDOM TEETH ARE GOING TO KILL ME. They've been coming out for the past year and they hurt intermitently every couple months or so. ARGH.