In light of the Twilight fandom stiring crap up

Dec 12, 2007 16:28

While I'm still in LOLZ mode because of the whole ROBERT PATTINSON PLAYING EDWARD from Twilight, looking at the comments on ONTD (which are made of awesome in their sheer stupidity, don't take me wrong) make me wonder if I read the same books.


I don't get why everyone and their mothers are wetting their panties for Edward. I admit, he's a much better character than Bella (who is downright stupid and silly and makes he want to strangle her), but he's still one-dimensional, cheesy, controlling, jealous, and boring. If only he wouldn't forbid Bella from seeing her friends and trick her into marrying him, I would probably like him better. As it is, though... he just stands there and looks pretty and WANGST. And that's it. *headdesk* His character did get much better in the tent scene in Eclipse, but Jacob was there so that's no surprise.

Alice is kind of annoying. THERE, I SAID IT. If we could only see more of the side of her that cares about Jasper and has a really weird relationship with him and that has angst about her abilities, then she'd be awesome. Instead, all we see is a hyper girl that cares most about pretty dresses and parties and fancy cars. Jasper and Emmeth are non-existant. They have like, three lines in every book and it's impossible to care for them in such a short span of time. Rosalyn is probably the most interesting of the bunch but she's the OMG BITCH we're supposed to hate because she doesn't like Bella, so there goes her character. Edward's psudo-parents whose names I forget: The same. They're hardly there.

Some of the werewolves are also under developed and are barely there, and yet they feel more like real human beings than the Cullens, ugh.

SO, IN ALL HONESTY? JACOB IS THE SOLE GOOD THING THAT HAPPENED TO THESE BOOKS. And even he's written weirdly at times, and that tells you everything you need to know about this series. *eyeroll*

I re-watched Amélie yesterday for a semiotics project and oh my heart, but it seriously IS my favorite movie of all times. Suck beauty and quirkiness and wonderful characters and the photography, oh my, and I just really, really adore it. ♥ Then I remembered that I'd deleted the soundtrack from my computer for some reason (*gasp* infamy!) so I downloaded it again and oh, happiness. Yann Tiersen is such a damn genious. His work for Goodbye Lenin! was also a thing of wonders.

I really wish the Oscars would award non-English language movies as well, in the same categories as the rest. Amélie was the best movie overall in that year, for example, and I do think Pan's Labyrinth deserved that award last year as well. A... language-blind poll, of sorts. It'd be kind of awesome, wouldn't it?

There'll be SURRRRPRISES here in a while. Once I'm, you know, done writing them. *whistles innocently*

recs, s.meyer's worlds of sparkle and dazzle, twilight, movie rec

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