That cover's so ugly I can't even lol about it. Ew.

Nov 17, 2007 21:34

My internet's connection's been slower than a fucking snail on peyote all day long. It seems like it's back to normal, though? *hopes she didn't just jinx it*

I found this little jewel of an essay today, written by dollsome, about Twilight and how Bella really needs to spend some good money on teraphy. Only in a completely serious way. This points out pretty much to everything that bothers me about Twilight - Bella's lack of self-esteem, and how Edward/Bella is so, so completely unhealthy but is never acknowledged. It's really worth the read.

And now that I've pimped that, I remembered something I wanted to post about a couple of weeks ago but completely forgot to do so! So, Twilight is getting translated into Spanish. They're making such a big deal out of it, too - there's posters and shit. o_O Anyway, as if that wasn't bad enough, they raped the covers. Pretty much the only good thing the damn book has. The photo is the same, but they used this horribly cliched 'blood dripping' font and used 'un amor peligroso' (a dangerous love) as a tag line. EW EW EW. See for yourselves. And scroll a bit. That website is a nasty piece of work, too, my God. Guh.

Also, I sort of hate my airbrush class. Mainly because the teacher's an asshole and because I kinda SUCK at it (I SUCK SUCK SUCK AT MASKING. GUESS WHAT WE NEED TO DO ALL THE TIME.) I also met up with a friend to go to a museum for a presentation we have on tuesday and the exhibition was CLOSED. DAMNIT.

s.meyer's worlds of sparkle and dazzle, twilight

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