Is it too early to discuss Who?

Sep 29, 2007 10:47


You know, I hate it when the insane part of the Rose fans keep on saying 'OH, BUT MARTHA DOESN'T RESPECT THE MEMORY OF ROSE!' Well of course she doesn't - why should she?

The Doctor flirts with her from the first second. He kisses her the very first day they meet (genetical transfer or not), and he goes on about how brilliant she is. He looks like a young, attractive man and is the epitome of intriguing - this is human nature, folks. Getting a crush on someone like that is perfectly natural.

And then she gets the 'OH, ROSE WAS BETTER THAN YOU, BTW, KTHNX' treatment. Over, and over again. This is someone she has never met, she has never seen, and yet all she does is hear about how much like perfection this Rose was - she's still nursing a crush, so of course she's not going to be all 'oh, yes, definitely, Doctor, she must have been so amazing if you tell me so!' she'd obviously get irritated. Again, it's only natural. Martha has every right to be angry at the way the Doctor compares her to someone else, as if she wasn't enough of a companion.

So I don't see the fuzz about it. If anything, it was Martha the one that got the shorter stick in this deal, not Rose's Holy Memory, and I have the feeling that if both of these gals ever met, they'd like each other, and more than that, they'd realize how much of an asshole the Doctor can be.

Rose was wonderful. She was brave, loyal and warm, but this image the Doctor seems to have of her just doesn't sound like Rose in the least - Rose didn't always know what to do, Rose was most definitely not perfect. Why, then, he carries such a memory of Saint Rose the Martyr with him? He misses Rose, alright, but more than that, he misses the idea of her, of a companion that would keep him happy at all times and wouldn't force him to see his flaws and his angst and realize how messed up about Gallifrey he really is.

Both Donna and Martha did this, in their own ways, and right about time, too, because he was refusing to see the issue.

Rose was good for Nine. Nine was... unstable, and needed someone to hold on to. Ten isn't as nearly as close to the edge as Nine was, and in the end, Rose wasn't good for Ten and Ten was definitely not good for Rose (it's arguable, though, how good the Doctor is to any of his companions - he leaves a wake of broken people on his travels). What Ten needs is a good slap for him to go back into reality, and that, kids, is why Donna is awesome, lol.

martha for the win, meta?, doctor who

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