(no subject)

Jun 26, 2007 21:38

I went out bowling with my high school friends yesterday, and my arm and fingers huuuuurt, omg. It was pretty awesome, though. And today, I went to a friend's house to watch a movie with him, his girlfriend and my boyfriend. Who, unsurprisingly, didn't remember that it was our one month anniversay, lol. (stfu, these things are important in here. *shifty eyes*)

We watched Little Children, which was lovely. I loved how fleshed out the main characters were - you could feel every bit of their frustration and anguish, and the narrator managed to be not annoying at all, which is strange for me - I'm usually not fond of it. Great movie about human nature and the way we interact with each other. The chemistry between Kate Winslet and the male protagonist (I honestly can't place him) helped the movie so much, and the photography, while simple, was really pretty. In all, the ending was good - very real, very bittersweet. Nice.

I've started re-reading HBP to get back in my Potter groove, and I'm falling in love with all over again. It'd been so long since I'd picked up one of the books in series - far too long, actually, but it's a bit like coming back home.

ANYWAY, I'M BORED. So I dub this day, TEH RETURN OF THE PAINT DRAWBLES DAY, i.e., tell me a fandom related prompt (preferably a funny thing, but it doesn't really matter) and I'll draw it. I know you all want to ask for Doctor/Saxon, you filthy perverts XDD

recs, movie rec

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