You know, I could be a real bitch right now and just start saying everything that's on my mind, but then I'd be causing MORE unnecessary drama which is definitely something that I don't want to do. So ya know what!? I'm not gonna say anything. Not ONE word. I'm just gonna sit back and do what I have to do because I don't have the time or patience
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you cant just forget about something sweep it under the mat because you have to deal with it. life causes stress their is nothing you can do about it, you dont have magical powers that you can use to get rid of it. if you dont have time to deal with one of your friends or whatever then what does that say about you? i want to deal with my friends when i want to, but when i dont i dont have to, but when they cant do anything with me then im going to get aggrevated? how is that right?
i dont even know you and i know that by you not saying anything you are causing drama, because im sure that somebody is wanting to talk to you, and you arent talking to them because you dont w ant to deal with it, or you are too stressed...poor me im stressed, everybody is stressed, even if people say they arent they are. stress is a part of life, and so is getting over things.
And by the way, what the hell is this shit?: "poor me im stressed, everybody is stressed, even if people say they arent they are. stress is a part of life, and so is getting over things." I know about "stress" and I know about "getting over things" so why don't you get over yourself and your all-righteous answers to life, and stop telling me how to handle mine. I'm stressed out right now, and I DEFINITELY don't have time to be dealing with you and your bullshit, whoever the hell you are. You obviously don't know me at all.
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