Oct 05, 2004 23:07
I've done everything that anyone could ever ask me to do, and I've said all that anyone could ever ask me to say...but that STILL isn't good enough for you! What the FUCK do you want from me?! I can only do and say SO much before I feel like I'm going to explode! Do you have ANY idea how much work and energy it takes for me to even TRY to help you?! EVERY SINGLE TIME I have to listen to your shitty life and all the bullshit that comes along with it, I have to push ALL of my personal life aside JUST so I can work up the patience to listen to you complain, but do you give a shit?! no...all you do is wonder about why people don't ask you to hang out and why people don't talk to you about things, so do you want to know the answer to all of your wondering?! Because whenever someone tries to include you in something, you laugh and have a good time, then you go up to your room and shut your door and get all depressed. Then they just assume not to waste THEIR time or energy just trying to make you have a good time. It's NO ONE'S job to make you happy except for yourself! YOU have to find the "good" in the good times, and YOU have to be the one to have fun. NO ONE else can do that for you! NO ONE! YOU'RE the one who has to walk around and talk to people. THEN maybe people will start asking you to hang out with them. You can't just EXPECT people to come parading into your room and ask you to go here or there with them. It just DOES NOT work that way and you need to understand that! You "say" that you don't want to feel this way, but yet you refuse to get help by coming up with lame excuses to not go. So you know what I have to say to that?! Until you can admit that you have a problem, and until you are willing to help yourself, I don't wanna hear it anymore. I don't wanna hear it! Just because YOU don't have the balls to talk to someone...doesn't mean I don't, so keep that in mind.
...and that's all I have to say.