
Apr 14, 2004 03:42

i'm really bored. i miss michaelina a lot! we haven't talked for like ever >__<
yeah i'm at scotts house right now. today i went to boomers! it wasn't as fun as i thought it would be >.>
Current mood: sleepy
Current music: boys night out
Current taste: brownies
Current hair: bed head
Current clothes: school clothes
Current annoyance: drews weird noise
Current smell: juice
Current thing I ought to be doing: sleeping
Current windows open: aim and steam
Current desktop picture: some weird kanji symbol
Current favorite band: senses fail
Current book: Hott Gimmick
Current cds in stereo: senses fail,funeral for a friend,and alexis on fire
Current crush: her.
Current favorite celeb: celeberties are so overrated.
Current hate: nobody

=Do I=
Smoke? nope
Do drugs? never [xXx]
Have sex? no
Have a dream that keeps coming back? yes
Remember your first love? yes
Still love him/her? no
Read the newspaper? nope
Have any gay or lesbian friends?no
Believe in miracles? yeaaaaah
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others? yes
Consider love a mistake? never
Like the taste of alcohol? I hate the taste of alcohol...didnt like it.
Have a favorite candy? yeah I guess
Believe in astrology? To a certain point.
Believe in magic? Yes I guess so..
Have any pets? no
Go to or plan to go to college: yes.
Have any tattoos? not yet
Hate yourself? no
Have an obsession? DDR
Have a secret crush? no
Have a best friend? no
Wish on stars? Uh huh,I used to every night in the summer..but I only do it once in a while now.
Care about looks? ehh,only when I am around certain people.

=Love life=
Single or attached? Single and alone
Ever been in love? yeah
Do you believe in love at first sight? no
Do you believe in "the one?": yes..
Describe your ideal significant other: awesome hair,nice eyes,non smoker, if they like Dance Dance Revolution thats hot,uhh have the same music style as me, if they like anime then thats a plus,umm if they are edge..yeah..if they arent an asshole.Oh and them loving me..yeah..

=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? ummm no
Have you ever been intoxicated? yes
Favorite place to be kissed? my neck I guess..
Are you a tease? no
Shy to make the first move? yes

=Word association=
Rubber: glue
Rock: lee
Green: grass
Wet: rain
Cry: baby
Peanut: butter
Hay: nay
Cold: ice
Steamy: sex
Fast: flash
Freaky: deaky
Rain: love
Bite: to break skin
Suck: me plz.
Blow: up

Is punk rock dead?: thats debateable.
Vampires- cool or uncool?: cool at times.
Is the government going to hell?: its already there
Do you know what AFI stands for?: yes,A Firre Inside...and yes, I hate them.
Wasn't the CareBear stare just the coolest thing when you were little?: no
Summer or winter?: Summer
What is the best form of art?: Music or photography
Are you allergic to poison ivy?: Nope,but I still hate it.
Ever hang out with Mr. Peace Pipe?: no
What year in school was the worst?: 7th so far
Arent cats just adorable?: yeeesss

# of friends on your b/l: 131
How many people have you kissed?: 2
Have you lost touch with friends in the past few years?: yes
# of people you talk to on the phone regularly: three

Ever had sex?: no
Oral?: nope
Does the word "wang" make you laugh?: no

Would you ever go "down under?": of course
Road trips are great, huh?: yeah they are supposedly
Have you ever been on one?: not really
Have you ever gone out of the country?:no
Would you ever live out of the country?: yes
Let's go to India together: No thanks

How about the drive-in?: I've never been :x
What was the last movie you watched?: Kill BIll
Best band: I dunno...there are too many to choose from
Ever been to a local show?: yes
If so, what band did you see?: Deadlock Chronicles
Best music genre: I like a little bit of everything
Do you like emo?: yeah for the most part
Ever gone to the opera?: haha no
What about a broadway play?: no
The End.

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