Feb 04, 2004 19:45
azn d is the new pimp in our group! all of a sudden a bunch of chicks think he's hott! well whatever. there's so many hott chicks at our school. OMG there's this hott chick named natasha. she's so LeeT i fuckin love her. well i don't really love her. azn d predicts that fabi is gonna leave me for ryan. everyting azn d says about mym love life usally comes true. so i'm scared that it's really gonna happen. >_<
if it happens i'll be really sad and heartbroken. esai says he talked to mike after school and asked her for her number. he didn't get it lol at him ^_^ i want her number. there's this chick i'm talking to in my p.e. class. she's the hottest girl in class. i'm not trying to hook up or anything, but she's just hott and i love talking to her! well i've got to go
jamie san wa ichiban des!!!!