So. In the past couple days, I've realized that I really, really like Kanjani8. Hell, I love Kanjani8. 8D Most of them are pretty terrible singers, they're not particularly good dancers, but OH THE CRACK. THE LULZ. I LOVE IT.
The first ever Kanjani8 PV I watched was Wahaha, when I was trying to branch out from Arashi. I wasn't impressed at the time and went to KinKi fandom instead, lol, but rewatching it, it's hilarious. I forced my guy friend to watch it on his Chromebook in the middle of Quickly's, and people gave us really weird looks. He started rating all their smiles, and decided that Ryo had a nice smile while Yasu's was overboard, and Yoko was just creepy. xD
[gif from
asian_dream_gif ] Tanoshiiiiiii~~~
I've always wanted to get into Eito, especially since I loooove Kansai boys and Kansai-ben (i.e. KinKi Kids), but never got around to it. I think the tipping point was Yasuko to Kenji, where Ohkura was such a perfect gentleman and so very pretty, lol. (I just remembered this one scene where he dad pulls out a pamphlet for "Harvard Univercity" and tells him to go there. I died laughing.) Then I found out that he has the same birthday as me. Plus my favorite color has been green forever. It's like destiny. (Well, not really. But I like to think that it is. 8D) Plus he's in all these dramas with Mabo and Higashiyama-san even though his acting is rather stiff. xD I just found out he's in Ooku with Nino as well!
Why so pretty? ;___;
I've been looping all their singles lately as well - they're so damn catchy, especially Zukkoke Otokomichi, lmao. I mean, who doesn't love a song with built-in hip thrusts?
My favorite bit of Kanjani8 madness thus far, however, has to be the Eito Rangers. Seriously. What idol group can pull off crazy outfits with infinity signs on their butts and a cheesy theme song about picking up garbage in parks? If I recall correctly, they also sang One Love in the ranger outfits at the last countdown. EPICNESS. xD
I forced my sister to watch the Eito theme song part of a skit and also Zukkoke Otakara Panic (which is also great lulz) and she now questions my sanity.
So for now, my bias is Ohkura, even though he seems to just sit in the back and look pretty. xD I honestly can't tell what his personality is, and in the Eito Ranger skits he hardly says anything. Hina even admitted onstage that Green has nothing to do, LOL. I do like he he's a Morita Go fanboy, though. :D Subaru reminds me of Tsuyoshi for some reason, and Yasu's smile is so cute ide. Maru is so hyper it's vaguely terrifying. I never particularly liked Ryo in NEWS, but I think I could get to like him in Eito. And Yoko. This guy's hilarious. Case in point:
Click to view
/end fangirling
*goes to search for an Eito icon*
ETA: This is my 1∞th post! 8DDD