Don't be attached. Be present.

Mar 22, 2012 01:42

Something comes, then leaves.

This is the way of the world.

Feeling sorry for something that is no longer here is living in the past.
Having plans for the future is living in a desired past.

Be present.

The more you feel sorry about the past, the more you miss from the present, and thus the more drops into the past without being contemplated in time. This is a vicious circle, a never-ending spiral that sucks you in.

Drop the past.

The more plans you have, the more plans will fail. The more you think of the future, the more you get used to do it. Once you have used to think a lot about the future, you can no longer truly understand and appreciate your present. You now live in the imaginary past of the imaginary future that you can't really control. This is a vicious circle, a never-ending spiral that sucks you in.

Drop the future.

There is nothing but the present moment. It incorporates the past and forms the future. The past that we may feel attached to is in fact no more; it is our present self that models the past and the future.
It is only the present that we can feel and modify.

Drop the past. Drop the future. Let it go. Be present.

philosophy, psychology

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