Apr 19, 2022 21:53
Today, I went to my doctor so I can start my new diet
I have tried so many diets and none of them worked for me
Dieting makes me lose muscle mass instead of fat
I need to prepare all the food and other stuff I will need to be successful in it before starting it
I am not allowed to have any oil... even in skin care and body products!
So now I am checking the ingredients of all my skin care and body care I have with me, so I know which one I can use
So far, I'm not super lucky
Most of my products have oil 😭😭😭
On the other hand, I learned that my Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Serum is oil-free, which is surprising!
Sadly, the eye cream isn't :(
As for all my body wash, they all have oils too
I need to settle for dial body wash (not bar soap, never!) which is thankfully cheap at Target
I need some oil-free lotion to go along with it too :(
The oil-free body products part is probably the hardest lol
I don't wanna spend any more money in getting oil-free products because I already paid a good sum for the program itself
It will go for around 2 months, and I hope that I can finally lose the unwanted fats
I am doing this not mainly because I wanna lose weight, but because I wanna be healthier
I have a fatty liver and I am at risk of getting diabetes, and this diet would help me lose fats in my body which could help me get a healthier liver and prevent diabetes
Tomorrow, I will buy some fresh and healthy food so I can finally start!