I haven't write for a while.
Atleast not as regulary as I want to.
Well I have been busy lately.
I have my first test next Tuesday.
No pressure or anything but it will depend how my future will turn out.
So I need a break.
And worst thing is my allergy has hit me.
Spring time...
Hay flu is the worst.
I don't feel like doing anything.
Atleast not something important.
I'm so out on Johnnys news and what is even more suprising:
I don't have anything to comment.
It's rare that I don't have a opinion about anything.
This feels weird..
So what's new on JE?
I heard Yasu is dating.
Not suprising but still disappointed.
Well atleast he's not gay.
On the other hand Yasu/Subaru pair is still hot.
I would actually be more suprised to hear that even one of them is single!
Or gay.
'Cos if those guys don't have girlfriends (or possible boyfriends) I'm stunned.
I would take them immediately if I lived in Japan.
Yeah but rumour is jut rumour and I'm happy if they are happy.
See I made a comment about something!
Yah so other day my friend asked me why question.
I hate those.
So she asked me:
"Why you like Johnnys so much?"
Difficult to answer.
Well and she said and I treat them like boyfriends.
Not true!
They are like my older brothers I never had!
Sure I call them hot and stuff but still I think I prefer sister and brother relationship.
Mainly 'cos I hate dating relationships.
And simple answer to question above:
They take me away from reality that bites.
Yeah lot of random stuff on my brain right now.
Sorry if this turns out to be messy.
My firgers just keeps on moving :D
On to my favourite subject and hot topic amongs KAT-TUN fans:
troublemaker Akanishi Jin.
Noup I didn't invent that nickname.
Yeah their new song Going!..
To put it simple: I hate it!
Love the dance though.
I haven't seen them dancing for a while.
And they always look good on white.
And few point to their english accent <3
But the song would be better with Jin.
It's a fact. Deal with it.
It's like something is missing on that song.
It's boring. And it's not often that I hate their songs.
Just the ones where Jin is not in.
Which makes a full cd plus this one.
I actually had to gather gourage to watch their Music station performance.
I knew I would start crying to second i don't see Jin amongs them.
Which I did. ;(
Luckily mind picture on Kame cooking naked with just apron on and Ueda's smile helped out.
Well I think that's the way they wanted it to be.
Wow this is long and I didn't have anything to say :)
I'm going away for a weekend to visit my friend.
So no updates for a while.
Next week is busy week too.
I may visit on Sunday to come say Happy Bday to Yokoyma <3
Maybe with hot picture. Or him just being dorky :P
Remember to act nice.
JE fans are nicest people on the Earth <3
yeah and to finish this.
My current mood:
And proof Jun is not always perfect <3
And song that fits perfectly to describe how I feel about Johnnys
www.youtube.com/watch(sorry. still don't know how to make this more cooler...)
And so want to see fanvideo with this song.
Addiction is greatest pleasure in this world <3
Yeah so comment makes me happy and feel better and so on.
Yeah it really ended this time. Bye!