Jun 28, 2010 17:24
Honestly I had no intentions to live this long. But somehow JE guys convinced me that live is worth living.
I'm not having a huge party. Jus couple friends and cake.
Myt mainly I cleaned today. Both my life and room.
I got rid of extra stuff in my life and now I'm feeling better.
I have to take a little time-out to make things right so boys are taking vacation too.
I just a little break from them. Not saying "goodbye" just "see you later!"
I need time dedicate time to myself right now or I will lose the summer!
So no updates for a while..maybe..if I can stay away from here. I like challenges though!
Lately I have went back in time. To time when I was naive little girl and knew nothing of Japan.
Time when I was madly in love with Naruto (anime).
I realised I was so badly behind in episodes so I started wathing them again.
Immadiatly I was hooked <3<3
How could I ever forget this great anime which dominated my life once?
Now it's back and I will never let go again. <3
And I read some fan report about Jin's show.
Honestly..I think it wouldn't have been worth to go..
Come on! So little song and nearly 2 hours. Even Jin's sexiness can't save that show!
Anyway I'm glad I saved that money. Maybe I can now finally buy Nintendo Ds!
I want one because Nino has one <3 So lame I know but I want one!
But first I buy Sims3. That has been on my wish list a lot longer and seriously...wy can't anyway buy me a birthday present I really want?
Maybe it's my own fault. I haven't never been good to say what I want..
Ahh And KT-TUN sexines in No More Pain PV was amazing!
All the five was just so hot even Kame. He should use eyeliner more often.
And Ueda is just as pretty as ever. And Koki *drool* I don't even have words for him. His rap was little messy but I can live with it.
Even Maru and Junno made me breahtless. That was the longest time I haven't been breathing.
Okay now when I have let all this fangirliness come out and I'm off to take a vacation without boys. I even let my mp take a rest.
akanishi jin,
real life,