Just noting I'm giving Etsy another try, slowly adding stuff to it. Unlike my own site it's not free to list so it'll only have a limited number of things at any given time. Also unlike my own site at the moment though, I'm actually able to get it to bloody work.
http://bakafox.etsy.com Currently I have mostly some of my stencil & spraypaint greeting cards and a few new drawings up. The cards are $4.50 each not including shipping, the drawings are $50. Planning to get more work listed this week, but I've got a sinking feeling I just can't compete price-wise. I mean, even for shipping- I have to actually get out and drive to send things via USPS, since they don't do street pickup or delivery where I live, and it's not a long one, but every drop of gas counts =/
I really wish I could hammer out what's wrong with my site's cart. 20 cents a listing seems like not much, but I literally have HUNDREDS of things to list. For printmaking I'm having to just list a handful at a time even if I have more editions left, since it charges per inventoried piece, not per listing on Etsy.
I'm also trying to hammer out details and get some stuff decided for some charity eBay auctions for various relief funds. The inertia's just being tough to fight, since right now I'm in CREATE mode, not "upload listings and work on that sort of thing" mode.
..which is also why I will be the first to admit my descriptions and write-ups on Etsy at the moment suck.