(no subject)

Feb 14, 2011 17:41

So Big Bend friends- I have a pretty big project I am outlining, to bring more attention to the arts out here- both in a tourism sense, and maybe to help show Austin how important the arts are in this area for things like SRSU/state funding.

The goal is monthly or twice a month podcasts, interviewing creative professionals and students throughout the Big Bend region. Writers, musicians, actors/performers, painters, sculptors, students, teachers, retirees and making-a-living-with-art types. Also planning on some "Art Lovers Speak" ones where people can write in or call in and discuss their love of the region.

It's very much not something I can do all by myself, and while the BBAC may be able to help with some costs/space a little, I am needing to hunt outside it for interested people who could donate a few hours of time a month as: Interviewers (mostly over phone or long-distance/internet) and Sound Engineers (mixing/editing interviews). If you know anyone who might be interested, have them contact me ASAP.

Interviewers preferably have a decent computer and internet connection to record with, and either ability with or willingness to learn how to use programs like Skype. Sound mixers it'd be great if they already have some experience, and their own computer and programs- though in BOTH cases, there is a possibility of them doing the calling/mixing with equipment I have from my house as a base of operations.

I cannot train the sound mixing, it's something I myself have no experience in, so even someone willing to TEACH other people how to edit would be awesome.

Bilingual interviewers would also be a great thing to have, so that we can reach out to the Spanish-speakers in the community.

I will help plot out and arrange timetables, get appointments for interviews, and do general organizing and setup, as well as some interviewing and possibly some mixing as I learn how. I also will be the main one who does file uploading and webwork including setting up some marketing. If there's people out there who'd be willing to assist me in this that also would be nice, since I do have to work around some health problems, but mostly to get this off the ground, need more interviewers and sound engineers!

I estimate it'd be a day or so of work a month (not necessarily all in one day)- if we get enough volunteers though, could rotate months or work in teams to cut it down a bit. The project would be umbrella'd by the BBAC for web hosting and some other things if all goes well, but I need to have some folks ready and willing to help out before I take it to the board.

I am in a bit of a hurry to get this going- the BBAC has been helping submit paperwork in to the state Arts Commission to get Alpine listed as having a historical/cultural district and be an arts destination- and from Alpine, it is a quick by TX standards trip to go to other Big Bend communities, so I'd like to have this project coincide with this.

Again, this podcast project would promote ALL the arts throughout the region, a little more at a time, and give individual artists a chance to be heard/found by a wider audience- as well as paint a picture of our community.

So yeah, if you are interested, let me know so I can call some kind of planning meeting or set up a planning forum, if you know someone else who'd be interested let them know about it and get them in touch with me (if you message me I'll share phone number and e-mail and such if you do not already have it)

project, big bend area, bbac

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