Oct 26, 2010 22:19
So I haven't been to LJ in ages really, am thinking I might be showing back up more often as I sort out my local social life or lack thereof a bit more gracefully, and because while I'm mostly Twitter and the dreaded Facebook these days there's still a lot of you folks I love to keep up with who are here as well or in many cases ONLY here still.
I'd planned to do my own blog on my server space but as with a lot of things I plan, it just hasn't really gotten underway yet. If I do it I guess I may RSS to here or something.
But it won't be for a while probably because I'm terribly behind. On everything. I've got an event Friday to get ready for, and various art show deadlines creeping up this weekend too for paperwork submissions if nothing else. I've been knocked flat by various depressive attacks, viruses, and currently what seems to be a fairly bad sinus infection. It's not QUITE as bad as the one after wisdom tooth got yanked last spring, but I'm pretty miserable and cranky.
I really also honestly need to get cracking on my studio site. I have all manner of prints and paintings and things to list in the store there, I wanted to get everything up before November, but.. yeah, no way in hell is it happening within a week. Even though I am not sure how I'll afford it, I may just need to pay someone to do at least the base data entry for item groups/items, so that all I'm doing is final tweaks and publication of the goodies.
And gushy as it sounds, actually a large chunk of why I fired Livejournal up just now is I finished watching some more of the "It Gets Better" videos and felt a need to textually hug all my friends who are too far away to physically hug. A lot of you guys have been places where "it got better" for me, starting with you folks who were in my first ever online hangout, the old Malks channel, and going on to those who've given me support in other bad spots since then.
I came so frighteningly close to being just another statistic as a preteen and teen, it's pretty scary to me looking back.
So. *hug*
Except to those who hate even textual hugs and to y'all I give a handshake as well as my smile.
So yep, I'm still alive. In part thanks to some folks who hang out around here.
Now I just need to get busy.