I love suggies

Aug 04, 2009 04:01

My sugar gliders have completely fixed my mood. It was already a lot better thanks to playing City of X with friends, but they sealed the deal and I'm going to bed with the giggles.

I bought yogurt drops as a treat for them last time I ordered their food. They LOVE them. They also have learned to recognize the sound of the jar being opened, and they also have gotten over a lot of their shyness of me, and I can even scritch them more while they eat the drops- though they do also tend to seize my fingers with their sharp-clawed paws to make sure they aren't going to miss a hidden treat.

Even Sam, who generally refuses to leave the nesting bag until lights are out and no human is in the room changes his mind about that if the jar is opened. He doesn't go down to where the others get their treats, but if I seem to be offering him one, he pretty much flying pounces.

Actually, they're all so enthusiastic about seizing treats, I can't even offer them with my fingers any more due to how often their claws got hooked in my fingertips when they overshot the little yogurt drop- I have to either just put them in a food bowl (or hide them around the cage before they wake up) or offer it to them in the lid of the jar itself.

And they also of course go after each others' treats, because those have to be MUCH better than the ones still unclaimed, or else they wouldn't have been claimed, so there's little shoving matches now and then, which are funny to watch since sometimes it leads to part of a drop being fumbled, and a third glider swooping in to grab it and bolt to the opposite end of the cage.

They're just so CUTE. I wish I could afford and maintain a bigger cage for them, but they show no signs of being unhappy or bored- well, that I can read. They always seem chipper and willing to play with each other. There are those odd nights where one or more of them barks relentlessly, but I have yet to figure out if it is a protest because they are unhappy with their food choice, if a cat has shown too much interest and scared them*, or what.

*This is doubtful, since their reaction to Oreo being naughty and jumping onto the cage is to actually try and investigate him more closely, which is why I'm glad there is a covering on the top of the cage that puts a bit of plastic between them as well as bars.


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