If the Family men who stood over John Ensign as he wrote a baldly insincere breakup letter to his mistress were naive about hearts that want what they want, they don't claim ignorance about the strongmen with whom they build bonds of prayer and foreign aid. They admire them. Counseling Rep. Tiahrt, Doug Coe offered Pol Pot and Osama bin Laden as men whose commitment to their causes is to be emulated. Preaching on the meaning of Christ's words, he says, "You know Jesus said 'You got to put Him before mother-father-brother sister? Hitler, Lenin, Mao, that's what they taught the kids. Mao even had the kids killing their own mother and father. But it wasn't murder. It was for building the new nation. The new kingdom." And if that wasn't enough, Rep. Tiarht of Kansas is being a busy bee spreading the faulty idea around that even if women don't want to abort, if it's cheap/subsidized, they'll do it. Because you know, it's a BARGAIN, and we all know how women love sales and bargains, amirite?:
If you think of it in human terms, there's a financial incentive that will be put in place, paid for by tax dollars, that will encourage women who are single parents living below the poverty level to have an opportunity for a free abortion.
If you take that scenario and apply it to many of the great minds we have today, who would we have been deprived of? Our president grew up in similar circumstances. If that financial incentive were in place, is it possible that his mother might have taken advantage of it? Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court justice -- if those circumstances were in place, is it possible that we might have been denied his great mind?
So yeah, of course. The ONLY reason we have Obama and Clarence Thomas and sooo many other great people with us today is because abortions were expensive or illegal. With financial incentive, women are totally going to go for the 'cheap and easy' route of abortion!
There's more of course. LOTS more fuckery, in various places, but I'm done for a bit, and gonna just go run around in City until I'm not just going "ARRRRRRGH."