I did another set of my art for Sims 2 usage.
http://www.bakafox.com/bakasims/unsortedstuff/Bakafox%20Gallery%20Collection%20II.rar Preview Pics:
http://www.bakafox.com/bakasims/unsortedstuff/bfgall02-01.jpghttp://www.bakafox.com/bakasims/unsortedstuff/bfgall02-02.jpghttp://www.bakafox.com/bakasims/unsortedstuff/bfgall02-03.jpg Whee!
My first set is still undergoing moderation. I'd submitted it as a "new mesh" because it WAS a new object I'd made by cloning a Maxis one, but apparently that didn't fly as category and they had me redo it as a recolor (I guess it wasn't 'new enough'?) So I submitted this batch as recolors right off the bat, and will see how it goes.