Feb 20, 2009 20:26
I've already ranted about this to some folks on AIM, but yep.
Logging into WoW = Disconnect almost instantly from their server + Losing all internet activities and abilities despite modem and router claiming things are still fully functional.
Today rebooting modem and computer did not work simply either. Had to disconnect router, plug internet directly into PC, and then reboot modem and PC again to get any ability to browse, download, or chat back.
I've yet to call AT&T about it because last time I had a problem it was a THREE HOUR phone call before anything got even remotely resolved. Most of those three hours was me trying to explain to their automated system that I needed a live tech support person for DSL. (Despite my clearly saying I was able to use the phone line but not the internet, I was transferred TWICE to the customer service for *phone service*, both times they transferred me right back to the first step of the automated system instead of, you know, to the tech support I needed as such.)