Feb 14, 2009 12:55
I decided to patch and poke around at WoW again today.
Patching went fast and smooth, though it did of course make it so I couldn't surf the internets while doing so.
Patching successful! Log in!
....be in game for less than five minutes and get booted.
Not just from WoW, but every internet thingy there is. Modem lights all still on. So I blame router, because I've had Issues with my router before.
Plug internet directly into computer, decide I'll deal with router later. Hm. Still no internets.
Reboot modem and PC. YAY INTERNETS! Log into WoW.
Less than five minutes later, no internets. All modem lights still on.
Reboot modem, get internets back. Going to try WoW one more time, and then will possibly be heading to nearest AT&T office to beat their equipment with a wifflebat.
Yep, WoW crashes my DSL every time today. I do not feel like being on the phone with customer support for two or more hours at this time, either. So for now I'm just giving up on WoWing.
I may go to campus, except apparently my body decided to celebrate being a girl today, as well. About ten minutes ago I got hit with a cramp that left me doubled over and swearing. So... not sure entirely now that I want to be on my feet. *sigh*
what the fuck?,
oh goodie i'm female