I'm so behind schedule on having my shirt stuff all together, it's not even funny.
Managed to add some inventory in today, so people can actually BUY a few of the shirts at the '
new store'.. ones I have on hand here in the house.
Need to add the Ogrezombie & Lich shirts, and the fitted "Translator Needed" tees to that site.. Merghle.
My living room is packed with boxes of shirts. More will be coming, too.
I still need to figure out tax laws for selling stuff online, and how I need to organize all of that. And I need to update the Zen Cart scripts but am not overly sure about the 'auto installer' thing and that it'll install the updates into the right directory.
A friend is helping finish off some of the customization, but the php is perplexing, overall.
Evil brain hurty.