Gigantour update

Aug 11, 2005 16:59

Okay, before I get started, I received a phone call from Kelly this afternoon asking me what I meant about my last post.  Okay, I'm gonna explain this very slowly, and easily.  Here we go:

It was a fake post!  I did it to see if anyone still reads this stupid thing!

I know it's hard to believe, but I'm not mysoginistic, i'm not sexist, i'm not even angry at women.  In wrestling terms, this is what's known as a 'work,' a fake angle used to gain a reaction; which apparently I did!

So now that I know everyone reads this thing, I'm gonna put up a list of things that have been pissing me off lately, maybe I'll get some feedback about this.  Okay, here we go:
  • People who use the a word of a different langauge and then the English word of the same meaning i.e. Sahara Desert, Ramen Noodles, etc.
  • Vegetarians who eat chicken eggs, but bitch about 'slaughter' and 'abortions.'  Where do you think those eggs come from -- soy beans? 
  • Ridiculous double-standards between men and women -- Women hitting men, and justifying it with 'I'm a woman, it can't hurt!'  Or that men can't pay for women occasionally without it meaning that they have other intentions on their mind.
  • The fact that white people can use the "N" word, and mean it in a derrogatory connotation.

If I can think of anything else, I'll add it.

Oh yeah, Dream Theater kicked ass yesterday, probably one of the best 90 minutes of my life!  Hands down!
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