Story that comes out of 'FROGDOM' Enjoy!

Dec 29, 2007 17:27


By Neilia

What happens to Pippin-frog during his 24-hour sojourn as an amphibian? Definitely AU. All these characters belong to the Tolkien Estate and not me. Beta read by our own Budgielover…thank you so very much! Rating: PG13 for a bit of angst.


By the time Merry shuffled out into the garden, the news of Master Pippin's clash with the wizard had travelled on the wings of Eagles all through the Last Homely House. As soon as Merry had spread out his coattails and settled himself wearily onto a sun-warmed bench, he found himself surrounded by curious Elves. They entered the garden and either sat gracefully near him or reclined with their arms stretched over their knees around the front of the bench. They were careful to not crowd Merry, not knowing just where on his person the mysterious little creature resided.

"We are curious to know the truth to the rumour that Master Pippin got into trouble with the wizard," commented an ellon.

"Why did Lord Elrond allow it to happen?" asked another.

"Mithrandir is going to turn the little hobbit back, isn't he?" questioned an anxious looking elleth.

Merry stood and bowed politely to the company that surrounded him. "Thank you so much for your kind concern. Lord Elrond did not have a chance to do anything. Gandalf was so angry at Pippin's cheekiness, that he changed him into a frog instantly. Frodo is allowing the punishment to run its course for the sake of the Quest. Yes, Pippin will become a hobbit once again on the morrow." Merry then settled himself and his jacket back on the bench.

Merry’s pocket wiggled violently. Pippin could be heard croaking (he did not like Merry ignoring him and leaving him out of the conversation). Merry’s face turned red. "Sorry," he said to the Elves. "He doesn’t like being left out of the conversation."

"Such a decision rightfully belongs to the Ring-bearer. After all, he needs to be able to trust his companions to be united in mind and purpose," a noble-looking ellon commented in an overbearing tone. Merry nodded his head sagely, enjoying the notoriety of the moment.

One particularly lovely elleth asked, "Please, Master Merry, may we see him?"

Pippin-frog, as he had been transformed into a tree-frog with all of a tree-frog’s wonderful climbing abilities, stretched his front toe pads out of the confines of Merry's pocket. pulled himself up and poked his head out far enough to see his 'visitors'. "Hello, Pip," Merry said without enthusiasm. "Come to join the party, have you?"

Pippin pulled himself out of Merry’s pocket. Merry reached down and caught him just as he struggled free. Irritated, Pippin glared at his cousin and vocalized his displeasure.

"All right, Pip." Merry gently lifted Pippin-frog from his pocket and held the little creature up carefully cupped in two hands to let the Elves see him.

"Oh, he is handsome for a frog! What lovely green eyes!" declared another elleth who sat quite near Merry, "May I hold him?"

"Yes, as long as you are careful. I have been given the care of this little fellow until he returns to Hobbit-form tomorrow morning." Merry leaned over, placing Pip-frog into the lady's oh-so-carefully cupped and protective hands.

She turned her hands to look into the tiny creature's face and cooed into his little ears. He shivered, enjoying the closeness of such a fair lady. "He is afraid!" She cuddled the little creature to her breast. Pip-frog looked up at the lovely elleth as she cooed and said soft consoling words to him and stroked his head. Pippin responded by tickling her hand with his long tongue, laying his cheek adoringly against her palm. The elleth held him up and carefully placed a kiss on the blunt nose. Pippin sighed in bliss. Merry made a strangled sound, then flushed as one froggy eye swiveled towards him. How a frog could look smug, Merry could not imagine, but Pippin was managing it.

"Perhaps I’d best take him back-"


Before Merry could intervene, Pippin jumped forward and disappeared into a gap in the lady’s gown. The cloth quivered as he shimmied down into the darker and softer regions of her clothing.

The elleth laughed and held the little lump with her hands outside her gown, one under him and one above. "Are you comforted by my heart beat, little one?"

Merry was aghast. "Pippin! Get out of there immediately! You are behaving disgracefully!" he choked, blushing to the roots of his bright hair.

"Oh, he is all right. He just wants to hide," the elleth said as she patted the little lump that had settled comfortably in her soft bossom.

"My lady, Please, I beg your pardon, he may be in frog form, but he's still very much a Hobbit! He is being very naughty!" declared Merry. "Pippin, come out this very minute!"

Pippin did not reply, other than an energetic wiggle. The elleth laughed again, seemingly delighted. "That tickles, little one!"

The ellon who had been sitting next to the Elf maiden pursed his lips and said, "Alerial, perhaps you had best remove the creature from inside your gown."

She noted the disapproval in his eyes, and sighed, "Very well. I still do not see what the fuss is about." She turned modestly away from them, inserted a hand into the front of her gown and carefully scooped up the little frog. She brought him close to her lips and whispered, "Sorry, little one, it seems that you have made an error in judgment as to your hiding place." With infinite care, she tipped the tiny creature into Merry’s outstretched hands. Pippin clung to her fingers for a moment then gave in to gravity, sliding into his cousin’s possession much against his will.

Pip-frog gave Merry a decidedly un-froggish glare. Merry glared back. "We will talk about this later, Pip! You will be lucky if I do not tell Frodo about this!"


"Not another word, you!" Holding his struggling cousin firmly, Merry stuffed the protesting frog into his pocket and clamped his hand over the flap. Scarlet-faced, Merry stood and bowed to the lady. "I apologize for my cousin, my lady. He’s very young, and all of this - I mean, being chased by the Black Riders, Frodo’s being wounded, our trip here … it was very hard on him. Please do not be offended." The last was directed towards the glowering ellon, who gazed at him haughtily.

The elleth laughed, her voice like chimes. "I take no offense, Master Merry. He is most refreshing, your cousin - in any form he takes. Please tell him that I look forward to seeing him tomorrow … in a form more fit to converse."

Merry bowed again as the Elves swept away. With a sigh he sat back down on the bench and ran his hands through his hair. Well, no use putting it off.

"Pip, why did you go and do a thing like that?" Merry asked as he lifted the flap and pulled out the cloth to peer into his pocket. He pulled the pocket fully open, took a second look and poked a finger around inside, half expecting it to be chomped. Frightened, Merry turned the pocket inside out, dislodging the carefully folded handkerchief...but no enchanted cousin. "Pippin. Where are you, lad? Come back! Pippin!"

No ribbity croak answered him. No little Pip-frog hopped up to Merry. Angry now, Merry shouted "Pippin, you get back here, right now! This is not funny! No more of this nonsense! Do you hear me? Right now!"

Nothing. No response.

Growing terrified, Merry looked around the garden, perceiving it now as a huge morass of dangers to a small, helpless frog. Frantic, he checked his pocket again, as if Pippin might have miraculously reappeared there. His mind reeled with the multitude of possible hazards, Merry shot to his feet. 'Grass snakes! Don't they love to eat little frogs? Hawks! Cats! Birds!’ He dropped to his knees and started combing his fingers through the winter-yellowed grass, tossing aside clumps of fallen leaves in his haste.

"Pippin! Where are you?" Merry wailed


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