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Jan 05, 2008 01:52

I didn't bother with a new years resolution. we know im not going to quit smoking. i could pretend to want to go to the gym, but i hate everything associated with "working out" so we know i'd never actually go, so what's the point in lying to myself? I absolutely will not change my physical appearance in any significant way over the next twelve months (unless you count dying my hair or getting a new piercing, and i don't think those do count). i won't quit spending money i don't have, and i am not going to start any fascinating new hobbies like... knitting or painting or some crap. as for those spiritual resolutions: i could pray more, but i don't like pinning that to some idealized "resolution" bit, i could go to church more often but i know perfectly well i won't wake up in time to go (Sorry, Jesus... unless the kids wake me up, 9am on Sundays is MINE). I could definitely do more community service/outreach stuff, but i am already required to by my job, so why make that a resolution? So basically, 2008 is just going to be resolution-less, and we'll see how it goes. afterall, you can't fuck up something you didn't intend to do, right?
Anyway, that doesn't mean I don't have goals for this bright and shiney new year.

1. I am ABSOLUTELY EVEN IF IT KILLS ME going to compile a beautiful, thick, and complex photography portfolio that i can be super proud of and that will scare most children/sane adults.

2. I am going to start designing my back tattoo so I can get it done by the time I graduate.

3. I am going to spend less money (that I haven't got) so I'll be less in debt when I finally graduate (one year... one year...)

4. I am going to drink less. I don't drink much in the first place, but alcohol is expensive and i think it gives me a migraine. not good.

5. I am going to make a desperate attempt to be nicer to myself, especially when it comes to my love life (...which i haven't got). Oh, and I'm going to be nicer to irish and the fro because it's just not fair to expect so much from them.
so, those sound like resolutions. But they're not! Because I can actually accomplish those! ok, the money one is sort of iffy but I am sure i can make some kind of progress there.
anyway. as for my photography, i've decided i really want to go back to doing gothic/fetish (i know those aren't the same, shutup). i'm also going to try and photograph males more often. clara and i were talking about how challenging it is to approach a male model, and it really sank in how difficult it is for me to deal with males. i'm just not ... interested, deep down. SO i will force myself to work with them more often for the experience. it is a necessary evil. yay.
yikes, it's nearly 2:30am. i have lots to do tomorrow and oh so little time to snuggle with my pillows. okay, LJ cleaning will have to be saved for another day. love you all, happy new years and use limes for cola not whores!
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