Aug 20, 2006 22:02
Well, it's been a busy while since I last posted, and there's been guests coming and going.
My brother Martin came and visited for a few days, and it was really nice to see him again, especially here in my own house. We had a great BBQ on the thursday, but by Saturday I found myself exhausted. I think I was coming down with something because I was ill on the monday and tuesday as well.
Despite being under the weather, I think things are becoming less hellish at work as well - hopefully we're over the worst of the getting to behaving like a grown-up company process. The end of the month is coming up though, so who knows.
Then I went down to mum & dad's for my dad's birthday and saw martin again. At this point I also started to get my art for the being different comic together, and I may have the first panel looking something like I imagined. I'm tracing over a Constable picture, so I've got something good to start from, but the later images in the sequence require a bit more imagination, so they're even more challenging.
This weekend my housemate, Ludwig's mother came to visit, and it was really quite entertaining. She was very nice, but it's easy to see where L's look of semi-permanent bafflement comes from, because he had real difficulty getting a word in edgeways.
Tonight just involved Spag Bol, chocolate cake, and a sause involving cream and homemade rosewater.