un petit excerpt about why orchestral pop is over

Jun 16, 2005 14:42

Why you should avoid orchestral pop shit. That includes Metric, Dears and anything else that was cool in 2002.
Today's critique compliments of working man.
Today's example: P:ano

Brigadoon is a confusing listen. Half of it is pleasant, competent pop music that recalls a rustic Fleetwood Mac jamming with a colonial Belle and Sebastian. The other half is hackneyed, cutesy filler that tries way too hard to be charming. I mean, there are lyrics here about ponies and candy, people. Ponies and candy! It's like the Partridge Family minus the tight pants and the menacing sexuality of Reuben Kincaid. Worse yet, the 22 tracks here suffer from a lack of focus (read editing), and the band jumps from rootsy pop to indie-tronica without warning. Approach with caution.

p.s Marco, I thought you were better than Stars. You're a rockstar.


another quote from someone else.

"Ouch! Pretty tough review, man. But I coulda saved you the, um, spleen,
and told you that Starts record was crap. It's that cutesy, indie shit
that all the girls--and the boys that love those girls--are into these
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