(no subject)

Nov 05, 2007 15:47


May. 9th, 2006 | 09:46 pm

I've always been one for environmental issues but yesterday and today brought me into direct opposition with one of Canada's biggest industries, Bruce Power. They continue to make our blowdryers work (and wow do I need one considering I look like a character from Fraggle Rock when I wake up these days...gravity has little to no effect on short hair).

On Monday I fact checked a story by Gord Perks about this woman who organized an event meant to teach the female populace (note that dumb and women are synonymous in this context) about the importance of nuclear power.

W.I.N.(Women in Nuclear)is an organization whose mandate is to connect women globally in order to improve nuclear services, and in the face of mounting global environmental concerns and self-serving government policies that make our world a much scarier place.

Anyhow, what's new?

This: The seminar of retarted sorts was centred around a Lindt chocolate fondue fountain that was meant to soften the nerves of edgy women with no interest in anything nuclear.

Before we sat down for an evening of nuclear jargon we dipped fruit, marshmellows and rice-crispies into chocolate so we'd be calm and happy before approaching the complexity of nuclear plants, which we obviously would have considerable difficulty understanding.

What's crucial here is that when the panel was questioned, eventually attacked, by the women in the audience, about what nuclear waste does to the environment, the panel, also women, some with PHDs in physics and chemical engineering, didn't know how to respond. They weren't prepared for questions about sustainable energy and the effects of radioactive chemicals and chemical warfare.

They couldn't even tell us what happens to the radioactive waste that is a byproduct of nuclear power plants. Why? Because it goes nowhere. It will sit on the earth's ass for the rest of time. If there is a nuclear war first, we might explode as a result of one of those contaminated tins that is hanging out at the plant next door to us, because it will ignite as a result of lingering toxins.

Anyhow, the most attractive part of the two-hour seminar at the Design Exchange was the Lindt fountain. And right off the bat they asked us if we thought chocolate was better than sex. I didn't think we'd even get to the topic of nuclear power.

But it turned out that the 30 women (22-70 yrs old aprox) in the audience were smarter than that red-head hypocrite of a host had expected.

The discussion eventually got around to wind turbines. One nit-wit told us that wind turbines are not worth the effort because birds run into them.

And then she spat out statistics suggesting that nuclear power plants provide infinitely more power to the masses without wasting space like wind turbines do. And besides, she said, there really isn't enough room for wind turbines in Canada.


I did two important things today: one was attend a women's seminar on nuclear power and the other was delete my myspace blogs. As trivial as the latter sounds, it introduces a trend: my desire to write about relevant issues.

I'm not saying music blogging isn't relevant. But the environment is better.

We can still speak up about the environment and industries that put down renewable sources of energy. More importantly, most of us aren't old enough to only get pleasure outta chocolate.

25 Feb 2007

The 24-Hour Car Wash
Current mood: accomplished
Category: Automotive

So my dad wanted his set of wheels washed because there was what looked like a white coat of 80s spray paint on his Sunfire. I finally listened and found this sick carwash at Jane and Bloor.

You pull into a massive lot with at least eight driveways. Each looks like a Gap changeroom, but they have this spray nozel thing that is so impressive you might as well be on shrooms.

Pre-soak, high-pressure-soap, foaming-brush, high-pro-rinse, wax, and even a final rinse. You press the button and the nozel does each. For the foaming brush you actually have to go across the driveway and pick up this contraption that suds and it takes a little more effort.

I started washing the car and joyously sprayed it down and then...the debacle. Turns out the $2 you pay to wash it is per every two minutes.

"What the eff is this?" I thought to myself, and then had to run and get a lump of change so I could finish her off.

When the final rinse comes around you feel like you're in a steaming sauna, or basting a turkey.

These wheels are so sweet now, though. It was actually worth the 12 or so smacks.

Current mood: amused

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22 Feb 2007

I have a dream...
Current mood: bouncy

that one day I'll live in a castle in sudbury with no neighbours, older siblings, parental figures, eejits or other people that will berate me about going deaf and insult my need for loud music.
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