(no subject)

Jan 16, 2005 00:02

So today was spectacular...

well first i had a long dance rehearsal which sucked. I dont like ensemble as much as i used to, i dont know if ill do it next year, it takes sooo much of my time, but i mean its what i expected just, idk, worse than last year.

So anyways, oh yeah, my mom picked me up 10 minutes late(thanks mummy dearest), well i suppose its better than the 35 minutes late the other day. Isnt she wonderful?! Oh yeah, and she was with my grandmother

But anyways so my grandmother won this gift certificate in this raffle, and it was 100 dollars to this store called "The Clothes Line" in Scituate harbor, and its just like this womens clothes store. And she had alreayd been in there twice and didnt see anything she liked so she told my mom that if she could use the gift certificate if she saw anything she liked, so i just happened to be with them, i didnt expect to like see anything i would want. So then my mom showed me a dress she thought i would like, and it was strapless and black and white polka spots, and like knee length, and i looovveed it, so i tried it on and it fit and my grandmother bought it for me! It totally made my day! Now it can match my pink and white polka spotted, knee length, strapless dress!!

So I decided I am going to bring it on the cruise, cuzz they have like two formal nights, and i can wear that one night, and either my pink and white one the other night, or my bat mitzvah dress, I have yet to decide....and i better hurry up, cuzz its in april! hehe jk.

Oh em gee! I am so excited for all my trips...
37 Days until Honduras
93 Days Until the cruise and
158 days until Daytona beach

I can not wait!

Thats all for now,
<333 Nora <333
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