Dec 26, 2006 17:21
My dogs sure earned their medals this morning!
Early, early, around 6 AM, not even light out yet, I let Klondike, Buddy and Poppy out to pee. Immediately, the two little ones spied something up around the fence to the goat pens at the red barn, and ran up there snarling and barking. That set off Sumo, Samurai and Klondike. Quick as lightning, they joined the fray, and I began to hear the most blood-curdling screaming, yiping and snarling! I could not tell what they had cornered up there, but someone was taking quite a beating!
I hadn't even pee'd yet, so ran back into the house to do so and grab a jacket, shoes and flashlight. By the time I'd gotten back out there, the fray had moved down to the gates across the driveway, all the snarling and yowling and yiping still going full blast. I cautiously approached the gates and saw that my five dogs had the neighbor's dog down and were really tearing him up.
I felt bad for him, and attempted to get close enough to open the gates so he could escape. I wasn't able to do it. I couldn't get close enough. Instead, Ranger literally climbed the fence and ran down the long driveway to go home, with Sumo hot on his tail.
Poppy and Buddy were involved from the sidelines. They kept darting in for a snip, then darting back out. It was the three big guys who had murder on their minds! Klondike has a few "war wounds" on his muzzle and ears. If Sumo or Samurai have any, I haven't found them yet. Probably their thick, long fur protected them. You should've seen Sumo. He was the KING, and he knew it. He had that dog DOWN and was standing right over him, and would have killed him if I hadn't tried to intervene.
I did NOT yell at any of the dogs. I told them they were all good boys and a good girl. As far as I'm concerned, they did exactly what I'd gotten them for. They protected this farm and the goats. I pity any other stray dog or coyote that attempts to come sniffing around the goats! As it is, I believe Ranger will NEVER come back.
I did call his owner and explain what happened, and she did run Ranger to the vet. For all the snarling and biting that was going on, he got off lightly with just a few puncture wounds that did not require treatment. As I said, though, he will NEVER come back! He got a very poor reception here.
All my protectors got liver treats once we all calmed down.