i just found the most fabulous sentence!!

Jul 02, 2004 16:53

here it is:

Get me the cell phone that can store my entire music collection but will play only the song I'm in the mood to hear right at that moment even though I might not have any idea what the hell that song is, but then will switch to another tune in the middle of the song when I realize my mood isn't what I thought it was because I'm an American, goddammit, and hard-core random-access schizophrenia isn't just a personal choice, it's a way of life. (emphasis added)

and another one! (or two)

I need a phone that effortlessly and with excellent footnoting capability disproves the existence of an angry bitter homophobic money-cravin' war-lovin' born-again conservative Christian God. I need a cell that knows that spirituality and sex are inextricably linked and fused and gorgeously inseparable. I need a phone that knows full well how this nation has been blinded and bitch slapped by this sneering hate-filled war-mongering administration and is mad as hell and isn't gonna take it anymore.

here's the article
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