here we go again

Aug 21, 2007 08:27

ok, so I went to my usual pain clinic appt. I have been seeing these people just about every month and then some for over 3 yrs. This appt was different though because I went in there knowing that something was going wrong. 
I had surgery 3 times for an spinal cord implant, twice to have it put in and once to have it all removed because I had a staph infection a yr ago. I knew that I ran the risk of having the RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) spread by opening up surgical sites but the implant was so important to me that I blindly disregarded it... silly silly me!!

About a month ago parts of my leg started to feel like rug burns or bad scrapes to which I couldnt apply touch and more recently the patchiness has spread to areas of my hip/thigh/calf/foot and toe SO NOT GOOD!! So I reported this to the nurse practioner yesterday who immediately had this concerned look cross her face and she asked me for my thoughts... hell I knew what it was, I've dealt with it wayyyyyyyyyy too she set me up with my surgeon for the 5th of September to determine what to do next.... right now its in early stages but without immediate and proper treatment I could lose muscle function, circulation, bonde deterioration, strength.. it causes havoc with everything and rarely can be returned to normal.

I spent 2+ yrs in therapy for muscle strength and have retained a portion of it but not without alot of work, sweat, and TEARS of misery... 7 injections to my stellate ganglion (under my vocal cords), all of this to keep my arms working so i could stay at my job... at times there are days this is a hardship... so now Im expected to have to retreat to step 1 and deal with my right leg... more injections? More therapy? more meds??? And final outcome is unknown... this is a long and life changing diagnosis with little chance or remission. AND its all because of a WORK guess who's picking up the bill and controls my options????? I have cost them more in the last 3+ yrs than I even want to consider and now we are starting at the begining... more doctors poking at me?? more evals??? Will they allow the diagnosis of my clinician as the only diagnosis considering I know the feelings this gives off and I have all of the signs?? Please dont make me do this all over again, just give me treatment...

sooooooooooo, here I sit today, wondering what will happen and I remain with high faith that the God and the Goddess will watch over me. I know I'm never given more than I can handle but it makes me wonder why?? I proved once I could handle it, but need I prove it again??

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