Dec 09, 2007 08:52
I have a fucking 89.97 in one of my classes and my TA and professor are being a DOUCHEBAG and not telling me if it will be an A or not. They keep saying "if this, if that" but they don't tell me if this or that is actually happening, or when I'm going to know.
I had the same shit in another class; I have an 89.6, which DOES get rounded, but I had to fight for it because my TA is an idiot and didn't post a grade I had from SEPTEMBER.
My other professor still hasn't told us what grade we got on the last test or in the class, so I have NO clue about it.
I'm so fucking frustrated right now; my gpa is going to go down because of all the B's and possibly C's I'm going to get.
I dont care if you don't feel sorry for me because i'm still doing pretty well, I need this in order to pay for college. Academics is the only thing I have going for me.
I have the biggest final on Monday, and I'm not one ounce prepared for it.
I'm going to die, I just know it.