[EDIT: Ditched pricey-assed Lulu for something much more reasonable, bam!]
Some stuff...
I recently finished illustrating a story I wrote about four years
of the same name.
Obviously based on "Little Red Riding Hood".
I set it up via Lulu to print as a book. I just put in an order
for it, so hopefully it'll arrive looking fine :)
Fun times, fun times. My Mama'd told me that she didn't have any books
like this growing up (way back in the day, etc) so I wanted to make it
for her and little girls like her, to see themselves in the narrative.
The original Brothers Grimm tales are set in this Germanic fantasy land,
which is fine, but that's not where I'm from. However, fairy tales are
an oral tradition and so each person who passes along the story can make
it their own :)
The book is available here via CreateSpace.com. First is the sketchwork and concept/character designs, then the images in sequence.
There are some that are just little vignette images that are meant to sit with the
text, not stand alone as full page illustrations, etc. Those should be obvious.