Watched the new ep of Criminal Intent. Or as it should be called, "Criminal Insolence!" ARRRRGH!!!!!! What on earth have they done to poor Bobby?? What a crappy episode in general! Half of the footage in the commercials wasn't even in the episode!!! "Special Extended Episode" my rear! It was only 3min. extra!!!
And they're pandering to the BobbyxEames hookup crowd too now. Granted, I'm part of that crowd, but I liked it when the only innuendo had to be read between the lines. And they couldn't even do it with Bobby being sexy or anything, his brother had to make the remark.
Oh, and what on earth was ME Rogers wearing in the elevator??? It looked like she'd gotten into a fight with an undead bat. And lost.
I've read better fanfiction. I say forget the "official" writers and buy some fanfic stories to produce. Like this one:
"Serious" by EzekialFall over on