SGA Secret Santa Fanfic: A Hair's Breadth

Jan 18, 2009 14:19

Title: A Hair's Breadth
Written For:
ga_unicorn in the
sheppard_hc  Santa exchange
Length: 8200
Rating: PG
Category:  Hurt/comfort, friendship
Disclaimer:  Don't own 'em, not for profit, blah blah blah copywrite cakes.
Spoilers:  None, really, but a reference to 'Brain Storm' and one of my fics, 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot'.
Summary:  After an unexpected accident on Atlantis, John finds himself trapped and a hair's breadth away from certain death....

Author's Note:  First of all, mucho apologies for my tardiness - real life got really sucky the first week in December and is just now getting back on track.  Here was the prompt:  Whump, obviously; preferably Sheppard, but feel free to whump them all. Please, no eating disorders. I currently enjoy reading stories where Sheppard interacts with the marines under his command; but if you can't write military in a positive manner - please don't. I'd like something with Sheppard and at least one other team member (or Lorne!), something happening in the City, and bring his ATA-gene into it.

Hope this works for ya, oh maker of my lovely icon!  Enjoy!!

A Hair's Breadth

stargate, fanfic

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