I really didnt want to wake up today... but unfortunately, i had to go to school. Bleh. School was boring as usual. In bio we did nothing, in art we did nothing, in spanish... nothing... in us history we went to the computer lab and we looked at some websites, english we played a stupid game of telephone, i swear this is wat the guy told me "well in 2nd grade mrs christiansen hacked onto a college website.. and uh.. and.. and then! this guy had cards and she could read them in his glasses but when he didnt hav glasses she cudnt read them.. and.. and.. and then... well so and so says mrs christiansen is a bitch! yeah, add that!!" Okay so that was a LITTLE off from the origional story... lol. In housing we watched divine design, and in math we did even less than we usually do.
In study hall i had nothing better to do than look at registration stuff with johnathon (weird spelling huh? lol i think so) and so here are some things im thinking about taking next yr:
English 3 (no way am i takin accelerated and reading 5000 books!)
Wester Civ (with the lil sophmores, woo hoo... stupid fargo...)
Dance PE (easyyy! and no more butch!)
Chemistry (sounds more fun than physics)
Spanish 3
Multi-Cultural Arts/Crafts (promises to be much more fun than it sounds, lol)
Then i dont know what else, i need to figure out some more electives and i might have to take a health class. Maybe business tech so then i can take web design later, a cooking class might be fun and u get FOOD lol, yearbook... i dunno, I will probably take AP Psychology, philosophy, and then sociology is also an option... i dunno, ahh, i hate choosing classes! Especially electives is hard because to be in cool ones u hav to hav prerequisites so i guess plan accordingly but BAH!! Ok.. im ok.. lol
SO tomorrow i have my training for youth court (to be a jury person, like jury duty lol YEY....) so that should be a BLAST! WOO HOO!! eh.... oh heres a quiz i took, of course, lol.
According to the
Which Something Corporate Song Are You? Test...