I painted all day. But i'm not done with my picture. I also watche "The
best little whore house in texas". I realised that Dolly Parton is my
hero. Really, I actually love her. Shes true class.
Type your name with your....
nose: clare
elbow: cllare
tongue: clare
chin: cl;asre
toe: clarre
eyes closed with ONE finger:clare
back of your hand: vcx;lksaztreersw
palm: cv laxsgfre
wrist: cvl.sazrtfgre
NamE: Clare
GendeR: Fe to the male
HeighT: 5'6ish ..almost 5'7
HaiR: Dark brown, almost black sometimes, has some red in it
EyeS: I would name it hazel, but it really depends on the light. Sometimes brwon, but usually green
RightY or LeftY: righty
ZodiaC SigN: aries
PiercingS: ears...oh hardcore, actually for my birthday I am going to
get my right peirced althe way up and my my left double peirced. This
is still to be discused with parents, but they said yes. I want my
lip..but its difficult.
ColoR: RED. But also a fan of Lime green, and orange
AnimaL: Hippo
SporT: Dance: Jazz tap ballet modern flamanco. I also like lacross and soccer. I was the masster of kickball.
MontH: July
DaY: Thursday
DrinK: cherry vanilla doctor pepper, or mexican soda
pad thai, fettichini alfrado, pulled pork, cheese cake, pepperoni
mushroom pepper sausage olive pizza, hummus, penut m&m's, sushi,
wings, that squid stuff....on and on.
StorE: Nordstroms(shoes), Urban outfitters, this on botique, and value village
WorD: Tests. (say is slowly)
MoviE: white oleander, rocky horror picture show, enternal sunshine of the spotlessmind
BanD: Hard question. I'm listening to the decemberists right
now...hmm...as cliche as it is i listen to the following bands the most
frequently: Modest Mouse, Death cab, The decemberists, Postal service,
and Third eye blind. LIKE WOAH, omgz im so origional.
SonG: This place is a prison, or The district sleeps alone tonight.
ShoE BranD: Wow, never ever ever ask that question to me. Unless you want a hour long conversation.
Tv ShoW: The OC, 24, Sex in the City.
TypE of MusiC: Everything..mostly alternative rock.
ChanneL: Don't watch TV. Only at friends houses.
ShampoO: Paul Mitchell
ThIs Or ThAt?
coke or pepsi: coke, unless I'm with kow, because she makes me want pepsi..i dont knwo why.
inside or outside: Outside
orange or apple: Orange
BaglE or BreaD: Bagel
ChickeN SouP or CreaM of MushrooM: Chicken soup
FrieS or CheesE FrieS: both, but i think fries
GreeN or YelloW: Green, but i am quite fond of yellow.
HalloweeN or ChristmaS: Christmas
PariS or FrancE: Um...your really stupid?
NeW YorK or LaS VegaS: New york..although I've never been
BeAcH oR mOuNtAiNs: ohhhhhhhhhhh hard...i think beach. BUt i do love the snow...this means you can snowboard.
Do YoU LooK LikE YouR MoM MorE or YouR DaD: I love them both.
ArE YoU a OnlY ChilD: No
Do YoU HavE AnY PetS: yes, 2 cats
WhatS YouR FavoritE RadiO StatioN: 94.7...it has gotten so much better. Its amazing.